Visualise and structure your talks to help you, help your audience and help the neurodiverse. A mind map alternative for talks and training

Visualise and structure your talks to help you, help your audience and help the neurodiverse. A mind map alternative for talks and training

MEETUP_Craig Cockburn_770x400px_Web_event_2022 08 28

Visualise and structure your talks to help you, help your audience and help the neurodiverse. A mind map alternative for talks and training

The first Agile Lietuva meetup after summer is coming!  Craig Cockburn is going to speak on topic ‘Visualise and structure your talks to help you, help your audience and help the neurodiverse. A mind map alternative for talks and training.’.


 Complete with worked examples from people who have seen this talk and come back with how they implemented it in action.


Craig Cockburn (“coburn”) is a freelance enterprise agile coach based in Edinburgh, Scotland has been working with agile practices since 2007. Originally a software engineer, where he worked in networking and was recruited remotely in the 1980s, he holds software degrees from Edinburgh University and Napier University, the latter an M.Sc. with class medal and distinction. He is an active member of the agile community and is a founding committee member of the BCS Agile Specialist group. He has worked as a scrum master, development lead and agile coach across many sectors particularly public sector and banking. He wrote the UK’s first guide to getting online in 1992, invented an early browser, is credited on the acknowledgements for HTML5 and in the book Agendashift by Mike Burrows. Craig has used remote working for many years and has research published on it from 1993 as well as extensive blog posts pre-covid based on his own experience.

Craig was one of the advisors and early supporters of the Agile20Reflect festival and is a co-author of “Agile an Unexpected Journey”, available through Amazon. He wrote the foreword on “Your Guide to Passing the PSM I Assessment”, published 2021.

Craig uses Red Team Thinking to help organisations make better decisions through critical thinking. His main talk topics are Critical Thinking, Visualising Strategy, Visualising Talks and Remote Working. Craig’s full biography and contact details are at and his YouTube channel is at He is currently working on his next initiative,

When: 8th of September, 6:30 PM (UTC+3)
Join event on ZOOM:
Event is recorded and streamed live in our Facebook page.
Participation is free of charge.

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